Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sabbath Shalom!

 This morning, Jacob missed soccer game and went to a friend birthday party to Arnold's. I took Jason to his game, as I was driving with him, the sun was shinning toward our face and just a beautiful morning. I absolutely loved when Jason telling about the music he is about to listen. Enjoying every moment and thinking wow!, this innocent kid, God please protect them as they go out to this world. The enemy is ready with his arrow loaded to shoot at them.

To pick a date to rest on Sabbath is so hard this days, the games and the parties always going on Saturday. So, I try my best on Friday evening, reading and just spending time with God and my kids. I know it is Saturday, but any moment spending time with God is precious! And what a blessing it is if we can rest on the lord Sabbath.

Sabbath  in The old testament Hebrews fully understood that the Sabbath belonged to God as did the Hebrews of Yeshua’s day; so compare Lev. 23:3 to Jesus’ comments in  Luke 6:5 And He was saying to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

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